My resolution for this year was to maintain an Andy Warhol-esque work ethic. Every commission Warhol was offered, he took without hesitation; in turn he made numerous connections in and around the ever moving, undulating art scene. Andy Warhol was never stagnant, never static, always genius.
I adopted this proactive attitude just before the new year (saying yes to every opportunity I got to work, be active and constructive) after reading The Philosophy of Andy Warhol : (From A to B and Back Again). I got a job for the first time in my life (ever). I sold jewelery; hardly an art, hardly anything particularly challenging or significant/life changing. However, I did meet some really amazing people (work colleagues) and managed to buy a load of gorgeous pieces at half price which is fabulous.
During the last two months I've had my plate full with a big commission to paint a giant three panelled painting, design a logo for a financial portfolio website and also, I have my mind preoccupied with the Infecting the City arts festival which started on Monday.
A group of about 27 of us Michaelis art students have the incredible honour of performing in one of Cape Town's prominent art festivals. ((( More about us at ))) Our performance takes place T O D A Y ... I am excited, I mean how many students get to do awesome things like this. How many students get to go to school only to run around Commercial Street and perform, then chill on the grass and smoke cigarettes at varsity, drink obscene amounts of coffee while building a home for dead cockroaches and then go home and sleep? Not many I'll have you know, not many.
I feel a little overwhelmed by this week. The painting is due next weekish, I have to shoot in studio tomorrow for my photography prac (being a third year photography student and all), build a set, collect more cockroaches, decide on 8 compositions and a solid narrative, resume infecting the city on Friday and Saturday again, squeeze in quality time with boyfriend, friends and bed.
Some photographs from last years collective I performed in. Pics by Niklas Zimmer.
Oh Warhol you say :)